I can do anything through Him who gives me strength!
No Holy Qurbana on January 1st
There will not be any Holy Qurbana on Sunday, January 1st. Please make a note and inform any family and friends.
New Years Eve Service at 5:30pm
Please note that the New Years Eve Service has been changed to begin at 5:30pm on Saturday, December 31st. Please make every effort to attend.
We are sorry to inform you that the mother of Mrs. Sissy Thomas (Cerritos) has passed away in Bhilai, India this morning. Sissy has already gone to India and Thomaskutty will be leaving tomorrow to attend the funeral services. Please pass on the information to our members in your area.
The St. Thomas Orthodox Church gives our heart-felt condolences to Sissy and family. Please keep the family in your daily prayers during this difficult time.
The St. Thomas Orthodox Church gives our heart-felt condolences to Sissy and family. Please keep the family in your daily prayers during this difficult time.
2011 Christmas Program

Hoover Middle School Auditorium (Click here for directions)
3501 Country Club Dr.
Lakewood, CA 90712
Ammini George's Sister Passes Away
We are sorry to inform you that Mrs. Sosamma Cherian, sister of Mrs. Ammini George (Cerritos) has passed away in India this morning. There will be a prayer meeting this evening at 6:30pm at Thankachen uncle's home in Cerritos. Please pass on the information to our members in your area.
The St. Thomas Orthodox Church gives our heart-felt condolences to Ammini aunty and family. Please keep the family in your daily prayers during this difficult time.
Mr. George Mathew
18002 Point Arguello Pl. (Click here for directions)
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 467-0298
The St. Thomas Orthodox Church gives our heart-felt condolences to Ammini aunty and family. Please keep the family in your daily prayers during this difficult time.
Mr. George Mathew
18002 Point Arguello Pl. (Click here for directions)
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 467-0298
MGOCSM One Day Conference

Prayer Meeting - Sat., November 5th @ 5:30pm
In celebration of St. Gregorios Day Perunal, an evening prayer along with devotional message and meditation will be held on Saturday, November 5th at 5:30 pm at church. Please make every effort to attend and bring your family and friends.
Youth Bible Study - Sun., October 30th at 2pm
A Youth Bible Study for High School Students and up has been scheduled for Sunday, October 30th from 2 to 4pm at church. Please make arrangements and have your children attend. Carpools can be arranged for anyone that needs a ride back home. Please contact Binil Mathew or Anish Mathew for assistance.
Prayer Meeting on Sat., October 29th CANCELLED
Please note that the Prayer Meeting for tomorrow has been cancelled.
Sunday School Field Trip (Pre-School to 5th Grade) - Sat., October 29th
The Sunday School Field Trip for grades Pre-school to 5th grade will be held at Adventure City Amusement Park in Anaheim. Please contact Mrs. Reni Mathew, to sign up your children or if you have any questions. The cost is $19/person which includes lunch. All our students should participate and enjoy the fun and activities.
Date: Saturday, October 29th
Time: 11am - 4pm
Address: 1238 South Beach Blvd
(between Ball and Cerritos)
Anaheim, California
in the Hobby City Complex
Date: Saturday, October 29th
Time: 11am - 4pm
Address: 1238 South Beach Blvd
(between Ball and Cerritos)
Anaheim, California
in the Hobby City Complex
Sunday School Diocesan Level Competitions - October 16th
This year's Sunday School Level Competitions will be held on Sunday, October 16th. The categories for the event are Bible Quiz, Essay Writing, Story Writing, Poetry Writing and Drawing. Please see the Sunday School page for the guidelines and the different groups for your child. Contact Dr. Nebu John right away if you wish to have your child participate in any of the events.
9:15am - 9:45am: Drawing (Groups 1-6); Story Writing (Group 6); Poetry Writing (Group 7); Essay Writing (Group 7)
12pm - 12:30pm: Bible Quiz (Groups 2-7)
12:40pm - 1:10pm: Essay Writing (Groups 4-6); Poetry Writing (Group 4)
1:15pm - 1:45pm: Story Writing (Groups 4-5); Poetry Writing (Group 6)
9:15am - 9:45am: Drawing (Groups 1-6); Story Writing (Group 6); Poetry Writing (Group 7); Essay Writing (Group 7)
12pm - 12:30pm: Bible Quiz (Groups 2-7)
12:40pm - 1:10pm: Essay Writing (Groups 4-6); Poetry Writing (Group 4)
1:15pm - 1:45pm: Story Writing (Groups 4-5); Poetry Writing (Group 6)
Sunday School General Assembly
A General Assembly for Sunday School has been scheduled for Sunday, October 9th after the Holy Qurbana. Dr. Nebu John, Principal, has mentioned that this will be a time for all the students and parents to get together and be able to share some of the items they are learning. There will be some presentations by some of the classes to begin the new year. Please mark your calendar and don't miss out.
Devotional Thoughts for October 2nd (Mark 2:23-28)
In today’s reading we come across with the allegation from the Pharisees and Sadducees that our Lord’s blessed Apostles did not honor the Sabbath. The reason for the allegation is well known to each and every one of us. As and when Lord Jesus and the Apostles were going through the corn fields on a Sabbath day, the, Apostles began to pluck the ears of corn. According to Pharisees, the same action was a good proof to argue that the Disciples did not honor the Mosaic Law. We have evaluated many of the interpretations of the incident from different corners in the past. So let us leave them as it is and concentrate on the last verse of today’s reading.
Church Picnic - Sat., Sept 24th 10am-4pm in Cerritos
This year's Church Picnic will be held at Frontier Park in Cerritos on Saturday, September 24th from 10am to 4pm. All our families are requested to attend and participate in the activities. There will be events for all ages so don't miss out.
If you wish to volunteer to help with activities, please contact Mr. Jijo Koshy, Coordinator.
Frontier Park (click here for directions)
16910 Maria Ave.,
Cerritos, CA90703
If you wish to volunteer to help with activities, please contact Mr. Jijo Koshy, Coordinator.
Frontier Park (click here for directions)
16910 Maria Ave.,
Cerritos, CA90703
1 Year Anniversary of Church Inauguration
Rev. Fr. Philip Zachariah of Long Island, New York, gives Sermon on the first year anniversary after inauguration of our new church. Festivities included a potluck luncheon and a Harvest Auction. Special thanks to all that participated, brought items and donated at the auction.
1st Year Anniversary of Church Inauguration - Sept 3rd & 4th
This weekend will be the one year anniversary for our church inauguration. A church convention and special events have been planned for the weekend. A Harvest Auction is being planned after the Holy Qurbana on Sunday so all members are requested to participate by bringing some items. Please make every effort to attend and participate in all the activities.
Saturday, September 3rd
Evening Prayer - 5:30pm
Convention Speech - 6pm
Sunday, September 4th
Morning Prayer - 9am
Holy Qurbana (Rev. Fr. Cherian) - 9:45am
Lunch - 12:30pm
Auction - 12:40pm
Saturday, September 3rd
Evening Prayer - 5:30pm
Convention Speech - 6pm
Sunday, September 4th
Morning Prayer - 9am
Holy Qurbana (Rev. Fr. Cherian) - 9:45am
Lunch - 12:30pm
Auction - 12:40pm
Shunoyo (Dormition of the Theotokos) - August 15th
The Theotokos had now reached an advanced age. Her fervent and unceasing desire was to leave the body and be with her beloved Son and God. The Mother of God did not fear death, nor did she seek to avoid it. She knew that death had already been overcome by her Son and God. At that time she still lived in the house of John the Evangelist on Mount Sion. She often went from there to the Mount of Olives to offer fervent prayers. As she was thus praying on the Mount of Olives that the Lord quickly take her to heaven, there appeared before her the archangel Gabriel and disclosed to the Theotokos the following: “Thus says your Son: The days are approaching when I will take My Mother unto Me”. Thus the Virgin heard those much longed for words which she received with gladness.
15 Day Sunoyo Fast - August 1 to 15
The Fast before the Migration of Virgin Mary the Mother of God
This is one of the traditional fasts observed in all the Eastern Churches. A feast in commemoration of the Mother of God was celebrated in the East as early as fourth century. Later this was identified as the migration of the blessed Virgin and it came to be called the feast of Sunoyo (Migration) of the Mother of God. This fast starts from the first day of August and ends with the Sunoyo feast on the fifteenth day. This is the time for the faithful to prepare themselves for their death because the death of the Mother of God is a desirable and exemplary death for all.
This is one of the traditional fasts observed in all the Eastern Churches. A feast in commemoration of the Mother of God was celebrated in the East as early as fourth century. Later this was identified as the migration of the blessed Virgin and it came to be called the feast of Sunoyo (Migration) of the Mother of God. This fast starts from the first day of August and ends with the Sunoyo feast on the fifteenth day. This is the time for the faithful to prepare themselves for their death because the death of the Mother of God is a desirable and exemplary death for all.
OVBS 2011 - July 29-31
This year's Orthodox Vacation Bible School (OVBS) will be conducted on July 29th, 30th and 31st (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) at our Church. Dr. Sheba Edwards will be the Regional Director of the program. The theme of the conference will be "Grow in Obedience", based on the Bible verse Eph. 6:1
We encourage all our parents to register your children for this year’s OVBS.
We are also in need of volunteer teachers to assist with the OVBS so if you are available, please contact Sheba at shebaghome@aol.com.
Please turn in the completed application and registration fees on or before Sunday, July the 17th.
Please contact Dr. Sheba George or Dr. Nebu John, if you need further assistance in this regard.
We encourage all our parents to register your children for this year’s OVBS.
We are also in need of volunteer teachers to assist with the OVBS so if you are available, please contact Sheba at shebaghome@aol.com.
Please turn in the completed application and registration fees on or before Sunday, July the 17th.
Please contact Dr. Sheba George or Dr. Nebu John, if you need further assistance in this regard.
Martha Mariam Samajam Meeting - Sun., July 17th
A Martha Mariam Samajam Meeting will be held after the Holy Qurbana on Sunday, July 17th. All ladies are requested to attend and participate.
Western Region Family Conference Pictures
Please click here to see all the pictures from the Family Conference held from July 7-10.
We would like to thank all our members that participated, donated, and worked very hard to make this conference a success. It wouldn't have been the same without you!
We would like to thank all our members that participated, donated, and worked very hard to make this conference a success. It wouldn't have been the same without you!
2011 Family & Youth Conference
> We welcome all participating churches to the Sout-West Diocese Western Regional Family & Youth Conference.
Regional Prayer Meeting - June 25th @ 6pm, Mr. Abraham Varughese, Buena Park
A South Regional Prayer Meeting has been scheduled at Shaji and Rekha's home in Buena Park. All families in the South Region and nearby cities should plan to attend.
Address: (Click here for directions)
20 Centerstone Cir.
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 523-4542
Address: (Click here for directions)
20 Centerstone Cir.
Buena Park, CA 90620
(714) 523-4542
Holy Qurbana on Thu., June 2nd @6pm - Ascension of our Lord
There will be a Holy Qurbana on Thursday, June 2nd to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord.
The Feast of the Ascension of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated each year on the fortieth day after Easter. The Feast is always celebrated on a Thursday. The Feast itself commemorates when, on the fortieth day after His Resurrection, Jesus led His disciples to the Mount of Olives, and after blessing them and asking them to wait for the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit, He ascended into heaven.
The Feast of the Ascension of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated each year on the fortieth day after Easter. The Feast is always celebrated on a Thursday. The Feast itself commemorates when, on the fortieth day after His Resurrection, Jesus led His disciples to the Mount of Olives, and after blessing them and asking them to wait for the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit, He ascended into heaven.
Happy Easter!
Wishing all our families a Blessed and Happy Easter! The Easter Service began at 7:30am and concluded at 11:15am. A procession was held around our church and concluded with Cross Veneration. Mr. Kirk Edwards, gave the Easter message to capture the details of the Passion of Christ as well as the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Lunch was provided to all that attended. We thank all the members that participated and helped make this Holy Week a success. CHRIST IS RISEN! RISEN INDEED!!
Good Friday Service
Devotional Thoughts for Pesaha - April 21, 2011
The new covenant in the blood of our Lord
(H.G. Mathews Mar Barnabas)
May I explain the importance of the Holy Eucharist (Holy Qurbana) celebrated by our Lord before His self-sacrifice on the cross.
There are two important aspects connected with it. 1) Through the Holy Qurbana we receive our Lord into us. 2) We make a dedication to lead a godly life. It is the new covenant that we make with God.
Let us see how we make this covenant with God. In the book of Exodus chapter 24, we find how a covenant was made between the Israelites and God. This is the old covenant. This covenant which God made with the Israelites was the covenant He made at Mount Sinai as recorded in the book of Exodus.
(H.G. Mathews Mar Barnabas)
May I explain the importance of the Holy Eucharist (Holy Qurbana) celebrated by our Lord before His self-sacrifice on the cross.
There are two important aspects connected with it. 1) Through the Holy Qurbana we receive our Lord into us. 2) We make a dedication to lead a godly life. It is the new covenant that we make with God.
Let us see how we make this covenant with God. In the book of Exodus chapter 24, we find how a covenant was made between the Israelites and God. This is the old covenant. This covenant which God made with the Israelites was the covenant He made at Mount Sinai as recorded in the book of Exodus.
Holy Week 2011 Schedule
Mon., April 18th @ 6pm - Evening Prayer
Tue., April 19th @ 6pm - Evening Prayer
Wed., April 20th @ 6pm - Maundy Thursday Service (Pessaha)
Fri., April 22nd @ 9am - Good Friday Service
Sat., April 23rd @ 9am - Holy Saturday Service (all departed ones)
Sun., April 24th @ 7:30am - Easter Service
Tue., April 19th @ 6pm - Evening Prayer
Wed., April 20th @ 6pm - Maundy Thursday Service (Pessaha)
Fri., April 22nd @ 9am - Good Friday Service
Sat., April 23rd @ 9am - Holy Saturday Service (all departed ones)
Sun., April 24th @ 7:30am - Easter Service
Confession Day - Saturday, April 16th
A confession day has been scheduled on Saturday, April 16th at 10am. All Sunday School students, youth and adults should plan on taking Holy Confession during the Great Lent. As an Orthodox Christian we reminded that we should take confession at least once a year.
Catholicate Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony - Sunday, April 10th at 9:15am
The Catholicate Day Flag Hoisting Ceremony will be held on Sunday, April 10th at 9:15am. All members are requested to come early and participate in the ceremony.
Prayer Meeting - Sat., April 9th at 6pm - Fr. Yohannan Panicker
A Regional Prayer Meeting has been scheduled at Fr. Yohannan Panicker's home in Yorba Linda at 6pm. Please make every effort to attend with your family.
18485 Nicklaus Rd.
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 485-2203
18485 Nicklaus Rd.
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 485-2203
General Body Meeting - Sun., April 3rd
A General Body Meeting has been scheduled after the Holy Qurbana on Sunday, April 3rd. All eligible members should plan to attend the meeting.
Prayer Meeting - Sat., March 26th @ 5:30pm - Mr. Philip Abraham, San Diego
A prayer meeting has been scheduled at the residence of Mr. Philip Abraham in Chula Vista, San Diego. Carpool to San Diego is being organized so please meet at church at 2pm on Saturday. Please plan to attend with your family.
Address: (Click here for directions)
1250 Monte Sereno Ave.
Chula Vista, CA 91913
(619) 482-9118
Holy Qurbana on Fri., March 25th @ 6pm to Celebrate Feast of Annunciation to St. Mary
There will be special Holy Qurbana on Friday, March 25th from 6 to 7:30pm to celebrate the Feast of Annunciation to St. Mary. Please make every effort to attend and pass along the info to the families near you.
Regional Prayer Meeting at Mr. Winson Varghese's Home - Sat., March 19th @ 6pm
This is a reminder that a regional prayer meeting has been scheduled at Winson and Ninu Varghese's home tomorrow, Saturday, March 19th at 6pm. All our families in the Central Region (Norwalk, Cerritos, Bellflower, Lakewood, Long Beach and nearby cities) should make every effort to attend. Please pass on the information to any families in your area.
Address: (click here for directions)
13243 Rose St.
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 407-5177
Address: (click here for directions)
13243 Rose St.
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 407-5177
Prayer Meeting - Saturday, March 12th @ 5:30pm
Hosted by Mr. Sodharan Varughese and Family
This is a reminder that a General Prayer Meeting has been scheduled on Saturday, March 12th at 5:30pm at Church. This will be the first prayer meeting of Great Lent so please don't miss it. Mr. Sodharan Varughese and family invite all our families to attend and participate in the prayer meeting.
This is a reminder that a General Prayer Meeting has been scheduled on Saturday, March 12th at 5:30pm at Church. This will be the first prayer meeting of Great Lent so please don't miss it. Mr. Sodharan Varughese and family invite all our families to attend and participate in the prayer meeting.
The planned Lenten Retreat on Friday, March 4th has been canceled as well as all other retreat functions scheduled over the weekend by other churches since His Grace Eusebios Thirumeni will not return from India in time due to administrative reasons. Please pass this information to others near you.
3rd Memorial Service of Makarios Thirumeni - February 23rd
The 3rd Memorial Service of H.G. Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios will be held during the Holy Qurbana on Sunday, February 27th. He was instrumental in the growth of our church and have been part of many of our lives. Let us all pray and remember the great things he has blessed us with on this special day. May his memory live with us forever.
Feast of St. Geevarghese Mar Dionysius Vattasseril - February 23rd
Vattasseril Geevarghese Mar Dionysius is popularly known as Malankara Sabha Bhasuran (The Great Luminary of Malankara Orthodox Church) which our Church has bestowed on him in recognition of his rich contribution to Malankara Orthodox Church. Vattasseril Thirumeni was a man of prayer, determination and dynamism. He was a saint who never stooped before falsehood.
He bravely fought for the establishment of Catholicate to be the symbol of self-identity and independence of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. The unique and historic contribution of Mar Dionysius is the establishment of Catholicate in Malankara in 1912 at Kottayam. He can be called as the architect of the Indian Orthodox Church and thus endeared himself as one of the greatest fathers of the Indian Orthodox Church.
He bravely fought for the establishment of Catholicate to be the symbol of self-identity and independence of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. The unique and historic contribution of Mar Dionysius is the establishment of Catholicate in Malankara in 1912 at Kottayam. He can be called as the architect of the Indian Orthodox Church and thus endeared himself as one of the greatest fathers of the Indian Orthodox Church.
Lenten Retreat - Friday, March 4th 5-9pm CANCELED
H.G. Alexios Mar Eusebius will be visiting Los Angeles during this weekend and will conduct a Lenten Retreat to help us prepare for the Great Lent. All our members should make every effort to attend this occasion and not miss this important message.
Theme: Lent and its importance in modern life situation
Date: Friday, March 4th
Time: 5pm - 9pm
Location: St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Whittier
Theme: Lent and its importance in modern life situation
Date: Friday, March 4th
Time: 5pm - 9pm
Location: St. Thomas Orthodox Church, Whittier
Martha Mariam Samajam Meeting - March 6th
There will be a Martha Mariam Samajam Meeting after the Holy Qurbana on Sunday, March 6th. All women are encouraged to participate. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Saramma John, Secretary.
His Holiness Honors His Grace Mathews Mar Barnabas' Wish to Retire

His Holiness has assumed the spiritual and temporal administration of the Northeast American Diocese according Constitutional provisions of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church.
His Grace Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, Assistant Metropolitan of the Diocese has been appointed to discharge the administrative responsibilities of the Northeast American Diocese, on behalf of His Holiness the Catholicos until further orders.
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