Holy Week Schedule

Mon., Mar 30
6:30 PM
Evening Prayer

Tue., Mar 31
6:30 PM
Evening Prayer

Wed., Apr 1
5:30 PM
Feet Washing Service

Wed., Apr 1
6:30 PM 
Maundy Thursday Service

Fri., Apr 3
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Good Friday Service
Kanji Nercha after Service

Sat., Apr 4
9:00 AM
Holy Saturday Service
(Remembering all the departed)

Sun., Apr 5
8:30 AM 

Easter Service
Egg Hunting (up to 7th grade)

Palm Sunday Service - March 29th at 8:30am

Palm Sunday Service will be held on March 28th at 8:30am.  Please make sure to bring flowers for the Service.  H.G. Yuhanon Mar Meletius will be celebrating the Holy Qurbana.  There will be no Sunday School for the next two Sundays.  Please make sure to attend with your family.

No Sunday School on Palm Sunday and Easter

There will be no classes on Palm Sunday or Easter.  Please bring flowers for Palm Sunday.

There will be an Easter Egg Hunt after the Easter Service for all children up to 7th Grade. We thank Mrs. Susan Mathews for donating and coordinating the Easter Egg Hunt.  Those that would like to help with the egg hunt, please see Susan Mathews.  

Great Lent Canned Food Drive - Ends March 29th

The Sunday School is coordinating a food drive for the Orange County Rescue Mission during Great Lent. Please donate any non-perishable canned foods or cereals to church before March 29th. There are boxes setup in the church hall. This is open to anyone that wishes to donate for the poor and needy.  Thank you all for your support.