Happy Birthday to H.H. Baselius Mar Thoma Paulose II

Wishing our Catholicose, H.H. Baselius Mar Thoma Paulose II, a Happy Birthday.  His Holiness will be 67 on August 30th.  We pray for his health and wish him all the best in his leadership.


We are commemorating the blessed Feast of Assumption of St. Mary, the Mother of God. This lent is always observed during the days of August 1-15. This Sunday, the South-West Diocese will celebrate Morth Mariam Samajam Day so we will have various activities at our parish to celebrate this special day. We request all ladies to prepare and take Holy Communion on Sunday. The Diocese also has requested that all ladies make some donation toward the Charity Project of the Samajam. We also request that all ladies try to dress in the traditional Kerala Sari if possible.