Feast of Ascension Holy Qurbana - Wed., May 29th @ 6:30pm

A Holy Qurbana will be celebrated on Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30pm to celebrate the Feast of Holy Ascension.  Please make every effort to attend the Service and pass the information to our members in your area.

The Church celebrates the feast of Ascension on the 40th day after the resurrection of our Lord from the dead. The Ascension feast is one of the seven Major Feasts of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Ascension feast is where our Lord Jesus Christ ascended by His own divine power into heaven. He ascended in the flesh in a glorified manner to the highest heaven and sat on the right hand of the Father—at the right hand of the power of God.

MGOCSM Meeting - Sun., May 26th 12-2pm

MGOCSM will be having a meeting this Sunday, May 26th after the Holy Qurbana from 12-2pm. 

Please remind and encourage our youths to participate and help them to make a difference. For more information, please contact Mr. Stanley Thomas, MGOCSM Coordinator.