St. Thomas Day Perunal - July 13 and 14

The St. Thomas Day Purunal will be held on July 13 and July 4.  The following are the schedule of events for the weekend.

H.G. Dr. Zacharias Mar Aprem, Assistant Diocesan Bishop, will be will be the Chief Celebrant for Holy Qurbana and the St. Thomas Day Perunal.  His Grace will be meeting with various church organizations on Saturday and a retreat in the afternoon concluding with evening prayers.  He will be celebrating the Holy Qurbana on Sunday.

Please don't miss any of the activities and plan to attend with your family.

Saturday, July 13
  2:00pm - Sunday School & BBS Meeting
  3:00pm - Retreat
  5:30pm - Flag Hoisting 
  5:45pm - Evening Prayer
  7:00pm - MMVS Meeting
Sunday, July 14
 8:30am   - Morning Prayer
 9:30am   - Holy Qurbana
                - Rasa
 12:00pm - Public Meeting
 12:30pm - Lowering of Flag
 12:45pm - St. Thomas Day Feast

Feast of Pentecost - Sun., June 9th @ 9am

The Holy Feast of Pentecost will be celebrated on Sunday, June 9th.  The morning prayer will begin at 9am followed by Holy Qurbana sharp at 9:45am.  Please plan to attend early with your family.

Bala Balika Samajam Meeting
A meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, June 9th after the Holy Qurbana.  Please encourage your children to attend and participate.