Upcoming Activities and Events

CHURCH CONVENTION – Fri., August 21 – Sun., August 23 
As previously announced, our church convention will be held during the below dates.  Our chief guest is renowned speaker Rev. Fr. Dr. Varghese Varghese.  Please don’t miss this opportunity to hear the valuable message from achen.  We encourage all our families to attend and pass the details to your friends from other churches and welcome them to participate.

Theme: Alternative lifestyle and faith of Orthodox Church

Friday, August 21 – 6:30pm
Saturday, August 22 – 5pm
Sunday, August 23 – 9:30am (Holy Qurbana)

CHURCH PICNIC – Sat., September 5th 
Please mark your calendars for the picnic and we will inform you on the location in the coming weeks.

SUNDAY SCHOOL RESTARTS - Sun., September 13th 
The 2015-16 Sunday School Year will begin on Sunday, September 13th at 9am.  Please plan to bring your children on time.  If you would like to enroll your child, or If you have any questions, please contact Mathew Varughese, Principal.

HARVEST DAY - Sun., September 13th 
Harvest Day will be celebrated on Sunday, September 13th after the Holy Qurbana. We request all our families to participate and bring any items harvested at your home or wish to donate.