Holy Week Schedule

Sat., Mar 24
6:30 PM
Lenten Prayer Meeting (Sponsored by MMVS)
Rev. Fr. Dr. M.O. John (Guest Achen during Holy Week)

Sun., Mar 25
8:30 AM
Palm Sunday Service and Annunciation to St. Mary


Mon., Mar 26
6:30 PM
Evening Prayer Confession at the church

Please arrange time for Confession with Achen

Tue., Mar 27
6:30 PM
Evening Prayer Confession at the church

Please arrange time for Confession with Achen

Wed., Mar 28
6 PM – 8:30 PM
Holy Qurbana and Passover/Maundy Thursday Service

Fri., Mar 30
9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
Good Friday Service
Kanji Nercha after Service (Please sign-up for nercha items downstairs)

Sat., Mar 31
9:00 AM
Holy Saturday Service
(Remembering all the departed)

Sun., Apr 1
8:00 AM

Holy Qurbana and Easter Service
Egg Hunting for children upto 6th grade
Lunch Feast

Great Lent Canned Food Drive - Ends March 31st

The Sunday School is coordinating a food drive for the Orange County Rescue Mission during Great Lent. Please donate any non-perishable canned foods or cereals to church before March 31st. There are boxes setup in the church hall. This is open to anyone that wishes to donate for the poor and needy.

Thank you all for your support.

Confession Day - Sat., March 17th @ 3pm

A confession day has been scheduled on Saturday, March 17th at 3pm. All Sunday School students, teachers, MGOCSM and FOCUS members should plan on taking Holy Confession during the Great Lent.  As an Orthodox Christian we are reminded that we should take confession at least once a year. Please make every effort to attend.

FOCUS Meeting - Friday, March 9th @7pm

A meeting for the FOCUS group has been scheduled for this Friday, March 9th at 7pm at church.  Please plan to attend!  For more information, please contact Mr. Benoy Eapen or Semmassen.

The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in the United States (FOCUS) is a ministry of the
Diocese of Southwest America of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, and focuses
on cultivating and educating adults, leading them to the likeness of God and the fullness
of the Faith. The purpose of this ministry is to facilitate and encourage transformation
in all aspects of a person’s life as they become more active in the body of Christ.